Sunday, October 31, 2010

Manifest your Destiny

The Sufi Poet Rumi wrote a poem almost a millennium ago, called "The Seed Market" that reflects a consciousness required to manifest abundance..

Can you find another market like this?
with your one rose
you can buy hundreds of rose gardens?
For one seed
you get a whole wilderness?
For one weak breath,
the divine wind?
You have been fearful
of being absorbed in the ground,
or drawn up by the air.
Now, your waterbead lets go
and drops into the ocean,
where it came from.
It no longer has the form it had,
but it's still water.
The essence is the same.
This giving up is not a repenting.
It's a deep honoring of yourself.
When the ocean comes to you as a lover,
marry, at once, quickly,
for God's sake!
Don't postpone it!
Existence has no better gift.
No amount of searching
will find this.
A perfect falcon, for no reason,
has landed on your shoulder,
and become yours.
The Power of Infinite Patience:
"Those who are certain of the outcome can afford to wait, and without anxiety". When that certainty is manifested in you in the form of trust and a knowing, you can then turn away your thoughts away from the desired outcome. Your knowing and your infinite patience put you at ease.
When we become impatient, we literally devalue ourselves and our connection to the Divine.
One of the ways to develop patience is to contemplate how patient God has been with you. When you were in times of denial, or self-abuse or self-absorption or hatred, God was infinitely patient. This is the same kind of patience that you want to develop. When you let go off impatience, you align yourself with the God force and all the anxiety is gone. Anxiety produces fear, self-pity and attaches you to time. You become free when you relax your insistence to have it now.
This practice of patient detachment from outcome is a foreign concept to those of us who have been taught that goals, success symbols and the accumulation of merit badges are the ways to feel important and fit into our culture. You have achieved peace with your infinite patience, and peace is what enlightenment is all about.

Once you perfect the infinite patience you will demonstrate your trust in something other than your own limited body/mind, and you will peacefully allow your desires to manifest in their own good way, in their own good time.

Excerpted from "Manifest your Destiny" by Dr.Wayne W.Dyer.(A must read)

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