Spirituality to me means being in balance within myself when all kinds of emotions arising due to our interactions with the external events , people, etc. I have watched many truly spiritual people working in various fields like Dr.Manmohan Singh, Dr.Abdul Kalam, Sachin Tendulkar, Viswanathan Anand, Magic Johnson, Michel Schumacher, Pele, Dhyanchand, Cristiano Ronaldo, Amitabh Bachhan , Swamy Vivekanand , Narayana Murthy, Azim Premji, to name a very few. They excelled in their fields irrespective of any distractions & criticisms and what mattered most in their life was
the job in hand and they kept at it with an amazing balance and carried out their work with such
SUPERCONSCIOUSNESS which propelled them into the highest pinnacle of their chosen field with an incredible consistency. They were able to filter out the noise around them, stayed focused and above all they were always disconnected from the excitement and the expectant results as emphasised in
Bhagawad Gita.
I have been blessed in knowing a few amazing traders both men and women (My Critic & friends) with such high level of intelligence and perception and one of them trades like Jesse Livermore. Inspite of their excellent grasp of the market, they have failed on certain occasions due to inconsistency in applying themselves and disconnecting from excitement & results, though they are capable of much higher reach.And I am seeing them evolving into fine traders everyday.
That brings me to the spirituality factor or should I call it the
CONSCIOUSNESS factor. The more conscious you are in the market, evenly balanced as in yogic teachings, the end results are going to be amazing as well. It is very difficult considering that Arjuna who was always mentored by Lord Krishna couldn't keep his
EGO in check and has to be brought down to his senses by the Lord Himself on many occasions.
Even the egotistic Arjuna had that Superconsciousness whenever he took his arrow & aimed, he would just see the object and nothing else and he was the Expert Archer.
So the enemy to an excellent trading is not the efficient market or CNBC or hyped up tipsters & the so called operators but within us. We have to handle our inner turmoil, become evenly balanced by increasing our levels of Consciousness by the KARMA YOGA Method. Just keep doing it till you perfect it..and become one day like the character Bruce Lee in Enter The Dragon answering to his Master's observations that his
Skills are at the point of Spiritual insight."What is the highest technique?"..."To have no Technique.."
"What are your thoughts on facing your opponent?".."There is no opponent...."
"Then why is that?"..."Because the word "I" does not exist"..
"A good martial artist doesn't become tense but ready.Not thinking yet not dreaming.Ready for whatever may come when there is an opportunity. A martial artist has to take full responsibility for himself and accept the consequences for his own doing"
And you will become one with the flow of things when you learn to
FEEL the Markets...You won't fight it..You will just let it happen to you..